Hospital online advertisements are now basic.
Regardless of age, it’s an era where people usually get information from smartphones.
My sister sprained her ankle a few months ago and went to an oriental clinic near her house. I was treated for about a month, but there was no sign of recovery, so I moved to the hospital, it was my second time going, so I looked into it very carefully. I saw how to find it next to me and asked how to choose.
“First of all, skip this (keyword commercial) and read a lot of reviews.”
“There won’t be many reviews at the hospital because of the medical law.”
“Where there’s no review, look at the writing.”
I’ll look at the pattern that my younger brother searches for, and the process of choosing, and I’ll write this. That’s what I thought. Whenever my younger brother with a sprained ankle searched, I could see the status of online advertisements in hospitals in numerous places, but when I looked at the places where they were filtered out, there was a good reason for that.
I will write down in detail the hospital selection process of patients who have not changed through numerous online advertisements in hospitals 병원마케팅전문
Patients wonder why I’m sick and if I can heal with treatment.
No matter where it hurts, this idea is based on. Some people visit the hospital right away, but they get their information through a search first before they go. It’s because there’s unknown anxiety. If you ignore the patient’s mind in hospital online marketing, you will inevitably fail.
What do you think marketing is?
Here is B, who has had a crush on A for a long time. The two were friends, and B makes every effort to win A’s heart. When I go to eat, I go to a place that A would like, and when I give a birthday gift, I prepare according to A’s taste, understand A’s favorite music, and understand the movie. We try to find a link with A somehow and develop a good relationship.
I think this is marketing. All of B’s actions grasp A’s tendencies and strive to win A’s mind. This one.
The same goes for hospitals, right? A becomes a patient, and B is a hospital. If your goal is to visit the hospital, you should first capture the heart of the patient who will visit there.
This is what my brother wrote in the places he filtered out.
- Glamorous medical staff’s medical history.
- Introducing fancy equipment.
- Introduction to fancy hospital facilities.
In other words, there was nothing the patient searching for was curious about, but only the pride of the place.
Of course, a basic introduction is needed. But if it’s only that, you can’t be chosen.
Why is the reader reading this? What’s wrong with this person? Did he search like this? Then, what should I answer to that? Hospital online advertisements should be carried out after these concerns are sufficient in advance. However, most of them cross this stage of contemplation. You have no choice but to fail.
Hospital online advertisements With Me!