Treatment For Irritable Bowel Syndrome Treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) focuses on relieving symptoms to help you live your life as normally as possible. Our doctors will work with you to find a plan that includes diet, exercise and stress reduction. They will also address any emotional distress that may be contributing to your…
Dental Implants – The Basics
Dental Implants – The Basics Typically, the first step involves a consultation with a dentist who specializes in conditions of the mouth and jaw (oral and maxillofacial surgeon), a dental specialist in treating structures that support teeth and gums (periodontist) or a dentist who designs and fits artificial teeth (prosthodontist). You will also need to…
How to Make Yogurt With Your Yogurt Maker
How to Make Yogurt With Your Yogurt Maker Unlike the store-bought yogurt that is often full of preservatives and added sugar, making homemade yogurt is a healthy option for your family. It also provides a way to experiment with different flavors and textures. Depending on the type of yogurt maker you choose, you can make…
Rhinitis Clinic
Rhinitis Clinic Rhinitis is a common condition that refers to inflammation of the nasal passages. Symptoms include a runny nose, sneezing, nasal congestion and postnasal drip (the feeling that mucus is draining down the back of your throat). Rhinitis can be temporary, caused by a cold or infection, or chronic (long-term) and may be the…
Factors That Affect Height Growth
Factors That Affect Height Growth A person’s height is largely determined by genetics, and scientists have identified more than 700 different gene variants that affect how tall someone will be. However, other factors can also influence height during development. 키성형 시술 The average human grows 2 inches per year between birth and puberty. That rate…
Dental Treatment
Dental Treatment Dental treatment is a range of procedures and tests that keep your mouth healthy. It includes preventive services to stop problems from developing, and basic and major restorative care to fix damage that’s already happened. Preventive services include regular teeth cleaning, scaling and polishing, to remove plaque that can’t be removed by brushing…
Hair Transplantation
Hair Transplantation 101 Hair transplantation is a cosmetic procedure that improves the appearance and self-confidence of patients who are balding. Today’s techniques mimic the natural appearance of hair by harvesting and transplanting healthy hair follicles in groups of 1 to 4 hairs. The grafts are then implanted in the bald areas. The results can be…
What to Expect From a Male Hair Transplant
What to Expect From a Male Hair Transplant A male hair transplant is a surgical procedure that moves healthy hair from dense areas of the scalp to bald or thinning parts. A surgeon can transplant hundreds or even thousands of hairs during a single treatment session.남성모발이식 Baldness and thinning hair affect many men. A hair…
Bad Breath Treatment
Bad Breath Treatment Bad breath treatment includes dental hygiene, mouth rinses and mints, chewing gum, and other home remedies. If these don’t help, a visit to a doctor or dentist may be needed. Treatment for underlying causes of halitosis—such as gum disease, sinus infections, acid reflux, and certain foods—can also improve breath.입냄새치료한의원 Most often, halitosis…
Local Restaurants: Nourishing Communities One Plate at a Time
In the world of dining, local restaurants are the unsung heroes that bring more than just delicious dishes to the table. They are the heartbeats of our communities, preserving traditions, fostering connections, and offering a true taste of home. 대구 동성로 맛집Join me as we dive into the world of local restaurants and explore why…