Dental Implant Treatment
Dental implants are a permanent replacement for missing tooth roots. They provide a stable foundation for new artificial teeth and help prevent jaw bone loss. They can also improve a patient’s ability to chew and speak, and help preserve facial structure. The implant treatment plan is typically a collaboration between a restorative dentist and an oral surgeon, and may also involve a periodontist and/or a prosthodontist, as well as the patient.
A successful dental implant depends on several factors, including the amount and quality of the bone where the tooth root is to be placed. For this reason, a comprehensive exam is performed before the procedure. This may include a medical evaluation to determine if there are any health conditions that would prevent healing after the surgery, as well as dental X-rays and 3D images of the mouth and jaw. A model of the mouth is usually made to assist in planning the placement and orientation of the restoration.
In the past, many patients with insufficient bone volume or who had certain health problems were not considered candidates for implant treatment. However, advances in diagnostic and bone reconstruction techniques have made it possible for almost any healthy patient to benefit from this treatment.
The surgical procedure to place an implant is done under local anesthesia. Patients often experience minor pain and swelling during the week following the surgery. It is important to avoid smoking and other habits that could impair the healing process, as well as to follow a proper hygiene regimen to prevent infection of the wound.송파치과
After the implant is placed, it takes about three to six months for the bone to heal and the abutment to become fully integrated with the jawbone. During this time, patients are usually able to function normally with a temporary restoration (crown). Once the implant is fully healed, the abutment and restoration are attached and the final prosthesis is completed.
Some patients choose to have their implant restoration placed at the time of the initial surgery, in a technique known as immediate-restoration. This method eliminates the need for a second surgical procedure, but it does increase the risk of complications such as peri-implant mucositis or peri-implant deterioration. It is therefore important that the patient’s general practitioner and oral surgeon communicate well to ensure that the implant is properly restored.잠실치과
Like natural teeth, dental implants must be brushed and flossed regularly to prevent plaque buildup that can cause gum disease. Patients should also visit their oral surgeon or family dentist for routine cleanings and checkups to ensure that the implant is a success. In addition, prompt reporting of any adverse events related to the implant is important to help in improving future treatments.