Sudden hearing loss is a serious condition that requires prompt treatment. Although doctors have not been able to pinpoint exactly what causes it, sudden hearing loss can be a sign of other more serious conditions. When a sudden loss of hearing occurs, your doctor will most likely give you a hearing test and look for issues in your ear such as too much wax or fluid in the ear canal or behind the ear drum. Blood tests may also be required. In most cases, corticosteroids will be prescribed, which reduce swelling and inflammation in the ear canal. The treatment of sudden hearing loss will vary from person to person, and the outcome of any therapy is dependent on the underlying cause. 블로그마케팅
Your doctor will likely suggest additional tests and treatments for your sudden hearing loss. Blood tests will reveal if you have an infection that is causing your sudden hearing loss. Blood tests can also uncover previously undiagnosed autoimmune disorders. Depending on the cause of your sudden hearing loss, you may need to undergo multiple sessions of oral steroid therapy. A doctor may also suggest intratympanic injections to treat the condition. These procedures are usually performed by a specialized neurotology physician.
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is a form of nerve deafness. It occurs suddenly, often without warning, and is caused by a number of conditions. In addition to ear infection, sudden sensorineural hearing loss can also result from other medical conditions. For example, a person suffering from a cold or allergy could have sudden sensorineural hearing loss. Regardless of the cause, it is important to see a doctor immediately.
In some cases, sudden hearing loss is due to a viral infection. The reason is unclear, but it can damage the inner ear hair cells and blood supply. Any number of viruses can cause sudden hearing loss. Some of these infections are not life-threatening, but the symptoms can affect your equilibrium. MRI tests can confirm the diagnosis. These tests are often helpful in determining whether or not a specific medical condition is causing your hearing loss.
Sudden deafness may occur when you wake up. A loud “pop” will occur before your hearing disappears, and you may experience a ringing or a buzzing in your ears. About half of people with SSHL will recover some hearing spontaneously or fully within two to three weeks. An additional eighty percent of people with SSHL can recover some or all of their hearing with treatment. So, how can you tell if you have SSHL?
Several causes of sudden hearing loss have been identified. Symptoms can be mild, reversible, or severe. The loss can have significant consequences, so it is important to know the underlying causes. If you suspect that you might have sudden hearing loss, the first step in treatment is to consult a specialist. The most common cause is viral infection. Although there are some other causes of sudden hearing loss, the majority of cases occur due to inflammatory changes in the hearing organ. 병원광고